Centre for Biological Signalling Studies

Synthetic Biology at BIOSS – Insight into a new research area at the University of Freiburg


Who is invited: Grammar school teachers, teaching classes 11 and higher

Our goal: BIOSS Center for Biological Signalling Studies would like to make teachers more familiar with Synthetic Biology. Our professors introduce the participants to this exciting and new field of research, discuss ethical standards and also conduct an experiment with them, which they can later perform with their pupils during class. BIOSS-researchers show a fast test for food analysis, which is an example for the opportunities offered by Synthetic Biology: The participants create their own antibiotics-detector and investigate, if there are residues of antibiotics in milk.

The seminar is taking place 2-3 time per year.

Next date: Autumn 2023



08:50          Welcome (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Weber)

09:00          Overview: Basic concept and experimental techniques of the Synthetic Biology (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Weber)

10: 00         Break

10:15          Experiments in the lab: Using a genetic switch to detect antibiotics in food (Dipl. Biol. Elke Wehinger)

11:15          Ethics and responsibilities of Synthetic Biology (PD Dr. Joachim Boldt)

12:20          Lunch break

13:30          Biomedical applications of Synthetic Biology (Prof. Dr. Wilfried Weber)

14:30          Synthetic Membrane Biology: Basic research and application (Prof. Dr. Winfried Römer)

15:30          Break

15:45          Guided tour through the Weber lab (Dipl. Biol. Elke Wehinger)

16:15          Evaluation of the experiments (Dipl. Biol. Elke Wehinger)

16:30          End of the seminar


Contact: Christine Ehler (BIOSS office), Email: