Membranes and protein–lipid interactions in signalling

Oncogenic signalling

Re-building & biotechnology

From Analysis
to Synthesis
Signalling Research
Biological signalling research addresses the communication processes that are fundamental to life and health. It explores how cells react to diverse conditions and cues, and how they communicate with one another to orchestrate development from a single cell to functioning organism – whether it be a human, animal or plant. By integrating signalling research with synthetic biology, cutting-edge technologies, and the emerging field of metabolism research, scientists in Freiburg are pushing the frontiers in this research area and opening up new possibilities to address global challenges in biomedicine and plant sciences.
This Profile Field of the University of Freiburg unites excellent researchers from life sciences, medicine and engineering, as well as chemistry, mathematics and law. The pillars of this research area are two Excellence Clusters (BIOSS and CIBSS), the SGBM Graduate School, two running SFBs and three GRKs – all of which are collaborative research programmes acquired in highly competitive national funding programmes of the DFG. The MPI-IE is a key external partner in these research activities. Core research infrastructure in this area includes the Signalhaus Freiburg, which was established as part of the BIOSS Excellence Cluster, the Centre for Integrated Signalling Analysis (CISA) and the currently under construction Institute for Disease Modeling and Targeted Medicine (IMITATE).
Key programs and collaborative projects
- EXC 2189: CIBSS Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies
- SFB/TRR 130: B cells: Immunity and Autoimmunity
- SFB 1381: Dynamic organization of cellular protein machineries: From biogenesis and modular assembly to function
- GRK 1976: Functional diversity of cofactors in enzymes
- GRK 2606: ProtPath: Structured Doctoral Training in Proteolysis
- GRK 2202: Transport across and into membranes
- GRK 2344: Exploration of spatio-temporal dynamics of gene regulation using high-throughput and high-resolution methods
- FOR 2743 (Beteiligung): Mechanical stress protection
Participating faculties and research centers
- Faculty of Biology
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies
- Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM)
- Institute for Disease Modeling and Targeted Medicine (IMITATE)
- Max-Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics