PhD Fellows and their research projects
Research area: Hematopoiesis and Development

Paola Fernanda Ruiz Aparicio
University Medical Center Freiburg
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology

Mahassen El Khoury
University of Strasbourg, IGBMC
Project: Role of the Ikaros family proteins in embryonic blood cell development
Research area: Innate and adaptive effector functions

Danielle Paige Anthony
University Medical Center Freiburg
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene

► Project – Modulating T cell signaling for improved anti-tumor responses
Most current checkpoint immunotherapies target inhibitory receptors on T-cells to improve anti-tumor responses. These treatments only amplify and prolong existing anti-tumor responses. This contributes to low response rates in patients. Therefore, we will attempt to elicit additional T-cell responses against weak tumor antigens by reducing activation thresholds of the T-cell receptor pathway. We hypothesize that detrimental side effects (e.g. cytokine storms and auto-immunity) can be avoided by targeting Zap70 kinase, which will preserve antigen specificity and inherent feedback loops. Specifically, we will utilize two Zap70 mutants with the propensity to remain in an open conformation. In preliminary studies, these mutants have shown prolonged T-cell receptor binding and consequently increased T-cell activity. We will test if these mutants improve anti-tumor immunity in mouse colon adenocarcinoma models alone or in combination with traditional checkpoint inhibitors. If successful, their molecular characteristics will be exploited to develop novel allosteric activators for the treatment of cancer.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Björn Lillemeier
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Susana Minguet (University of Freiburg)

Research area: Immune-related diseases