Membranes and protein–lipid interactions in signalling

Oncogenic signalling

Re-building & biotechnology

From Analysis
to Synthesis
Dr. Roland Nitschke
Dr. Roland Nitschke
Life Imaging Center (LIC),
Hilde-Mangold-Haus, University of Freiburg
+49 761 203 2934
10 selected publications:
- QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy.
Boehm U, Nelson G, Brown CM, Bagley S, Bajcsy P, Bischof J, Dauphin A, Dobbie IM, Eriksson JE, Faklaris O, Fernandez-Rodriguez J, Ferrand A, Gelman L, Gheisari A, Hartmann H, Kukat C, Laude A, Mitkovski M, Munck S, North AJ, Rasse TM, Resch-Genger U, Schuetz LC, Seitz A, Strambio-De-Castillia C, Swedlow JR, Nitschke R (2021).
Nat. Methods 18(12):1423-1426 - Micro-Meta App: an interactive tool for collecting microscopy metadata based on community specifications.
Rigano A, Ehmsen S, Öztürk SU, Ryan J, Balashov A, Hammer M, Kirli K, Boehm, U, Brown CM, Bellve K, Chambers JJ, Cosolo A, Coleman RA, Faklaris O, Fogarty, KE, Guilbert T, Hamacher AB, Itano MS, Keeley DP, Kunis S, Lacoste J, Laude A, Ma WY, Marcello M, Montero-Llopis P, Nelson G, Nitschke R, Pimentel JA, Weidtkamp-Peters S, Park PJ, Alver BH, Grunwald D, Strambio-De-Castillia C (2021).
Nat. Methods 18(12):1489-1495 - Progesterone modulates microtubule dynamics and epiboly progression during zebrafish gastrulation.
Eckerle S, Ringler M, Lecaudey V, Nitschke R, Driever W (2018).
Dev Biol. 434(2):249-266. - Nuclear pore complex remodeling by p75(NTR) cleavage controls TGF-β signaling and astrocyte functions.
Schachtrup C, Ryu JK, Mammadzada K, Khan AS, Carlton PM, Perez A, Christian F, Le Moan N, Vagena E, Baeza-Raja B, Rafalski V, Chan JP, Nitschke R, Houslay MD, Ellisman MH, Wyss-Coray T, Palop JJ, Akassoglou K (2015).
Nat Neurosci. 18(8):1077-80 - Inhibition of mTORC1 by astrin and stress granules prevents apoptosis in cancer cells.
Thedieck K, Holzwarth B, Prentzell MT, Boehlke C, Kläsener K, Ruf S, Sonntag AG, Maerz L, Grellscheid SN, Kremmer E, Nitschke R, Kuehn EW, Jonker JW, Groen AK, Reth M, Hall MN, Baumeister R (2013).
Cell. 154(4):859-74. - ViBE-Z: a framework for 3D virtual colocalization analysis in zebrafish larval brains.
Ronneberger O, Liu K, Rath M, Rueβ D, Mueller T, Skibbe H, Drayer B, Schmidt T, Filippi A, Nitschke R, Brox T, Burkhardt H, Driever W (2012).
Nat Methods. 9(7):735-42 - Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems.
Tay TL, Ronneberger O, Ryu S, Nitschke R, Driever W (2011).
Nat Commun. 2011 Jan 25;2:171. - Inversin relays Frizzled-8 signals to promote proximal pronephros development.
Lienkamp S, Ganner A, Boehlke C, Schmidt T, Arnold SJ, Schäfer T, Romaker D, Schuler J, Hoff S, Powelske C, Eifler A, Krönig C, Bullerkotte A, Nitschke R, Kuehn EW, Kim E, Burkhardt H, Brox T, Ronneberger O, Gloy J, Walz G (2010).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(47):20388-93 - Primary cilia regulate mTORC1 activity and cell size through Lkb1.
Boehlke C, Kotsis F, Patel V, Braeg S, Voelker H, Bredt S, Beyer T, Janusch H, Hamann C, Gödel M, Müller K, Herbst M, Hornung M, Doerken M, Köttgen M, Nitschke R, Igarashi P, Walz G, Kuehn EW (2010).
Nat Cell Biol. 12(11):1115-22. - Mechanical induction of lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ditengou FA, Teale WD, Kochersperger P, Flittner KA, Kneuper I, van der Graaff E, Nziengui H, Pinosa F, Li X, Nitschke R, Laux T, Palme K (2008).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(48):18818-23 - Quantum dots versus organic dyes as fluorescent labels.
Resch-Genger U, Grabolle M, Cavaliere-Jaricot S, Nitschke R, Nann T (2008).
Nat Methods. 2008 5(9):763-75.